Donate Today to Fight Against Hunger!

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Ways to Donate

Let fight hunger in our community together. You can help by making a Fund/Food Donation.

Fund Donation

Every dollar donate to the food bank equates to a meal given to a family. We would appreciate any dollar donation you are able to make. Whether it be a one time donation or a reoccurring donation. No matter what it is, it is one step close to ending hunger.

Food Donation

What better way to get involved than donating the food that helps provide for our fellow neighbours in need in our community. Below there are details on how you can donate food as an individual if you are a cooperation.

Food Donations

Individual Food Donations

Thank you in advanced for your donation. The following items are most needed:

  1. Protein: Peanut Butter, Canned Fish and Meat
  2. Fruits and Vegetables: Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Soup, Stew, Frozen Fruit and Fruit Juice
  3. Dairy: Cheese, Yogurt, Butter
  4. Grains: Cereal, Pasta, Flour, Kraft Dinner

Please drop off your food donation at the location you please during their hours of operation. If you can’t make it during those hours. Contact the location you wish to donate too and we can arrange a time that works best for you.

Cooperation Food Donations

We thank all our local cooperations and grocery stores for their continuous support and donations. We kindly ask that cooperation and grocery stores donating to St. Mary Food Bank fill out the form below. One of our volunteers will contact you shortly to arrange a drop off or pick up time.


Corporate Food Donations

If you are a corporation or local grocery store wishing to donate food to one of St. Mary’s Food Bank three locations please fill out the form below and one of our volunteers will contact you as soon as possible to work out a drop off or pick up time.

Please include in the ‘message’ portion of the form the expirary date, type of food donated, quantity of food and any other relavant information that should be included.  

Thank you in advance for your donation.


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