Need Food?

We know you want to eat healthy and provide food for yourself and your family. But at times it may be hard to afford all that you and your family needs. At St. Mary’s Food Bank we will provide you and your family with FREE and healthy food. We are here to make sure that no one in Mississauga goes hungry.

What to Expect

We recognize that if you need a food bank, you are likely experiencing challenges in your life. All our neighbourhood food banks create a welcoming environment for those who visit us to access food. In order to make your experience positive, neighbourhood food bank staff and volunteers create an environment of mutual respect and caring for all food bank clients.

You can visit your local food bank during the hours listed. Please bring proof of Mississauga address.

Some questions you may have are:

1. What kind of food will I get?
You will receive 7+ days of nutritious food on each visit. This will include both canned/packaged food and fresh food like milk, fresh produce, vegetables, or meat.

2. Will I get to choose what kind of food I get?
We try to give some choice in the food provided based on Canada’s Food Guide. While all supplies are not available every day, we do our best to provide the same things to all clients on each visit.

3. Will it be embarrassing to come to a food bank?
All clients are treated with dignity and respect. We speak to you privately and confidentially regarding your financial and personal situation. People from all different walks of life use a food bank, so don’t worry that you and your family will be put in an embarrassing situation.

What You Will Get

We will provide you with a 7+ day supply of food for each member of your family.

This will include fruit and vegetables, protein, grains, and dairy products – plus household goods and personal care items. We aim to offer choice and variety in the food provided and provide you with adequate healthy food based on Canada’s Food Guide and any dietary restrictions you might have.

Please keep in mind that your choice of food depends on what is available.

Meals on Wheels

St. Joseph’s Kitchen provides the Meals on Wheels program for the residence in the 10 postal code areas it serves. This program was designed for residents who are not able to visit their one of our food bank locations due to age, disability, short or long-term illness.

If you are a Mississauga resident within the 10 postal code areas that St. Mary Food Bank serves, this program may be available to you if you meet one of the following requirements: 

  • You are a senior citizen aged 65+ years
  • You have a physical disability OR short/long-term illness that makes it hard to visit a food bank
  • You are a single, new or expecting mother (or caregiver) who is homebound

AND, you do not live with an adult-aged household member who is able to visit a food bank on your behalf.

Each monthly delivery will provide approximately 7 days of food, which will include: 

  • Fruits and Vegetables: Seasonal Fresh Produce, Canned Vegetables/Fruit
  • Protein: Frozen Meat, Eggs, Canned Beans/Meat
  • Grains: Rice, Oats, Flour, Pasta